Tuesday 8 April 2008


The maths trail was quite interesting and challenging, not only you have to gog from campus to campus, you have to solve really diffcult maths questions, some which i had to help them. It was quite fun though, explore the different places in my future school. (i hope!) you can view the gallery here.

Going to the beach in east coast park again really helps to relieve stress from studies. Breathing sea air and cycling around the park cools you down. Just hope we could do that more with more people. Nevertheless, it was relaxing.

Food. Food. Food. I think studying, rushing for homework and all that freaking stupid CCA problems is driving me crazy and putting me to the extent of eating, eating and eating. Some of you might comment that I eat a lot (that's so very true.) but I'm eating EVEN MORE!!! Help... I just weight myself for the blood donation and it was 59 kg!!! (it's today and i'm thinking of tomorrow's food- fish and chips for me!) My stress is going up, my weight is going up. The only thing that might be going down is my emotions.
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